I typically keep the majority of my plants somewhat disbudded, especially in spring and summer months so that they can focus energy on producing foliage, but I scrounged the plant stands looking for plants that could pass muster. I chose three. One I knew would be good enough (certainly not the best I could have done if I had put the plant on a show schedule,) but the other two were very iffy. Not enough foliage and barely enough bloom, but I took them anyway. From L to R they are: Precious Red, Optimara Little Ruby and Jolly Disco.
All in all, a great show, even though it was a smaller one. I met some new friends, acquired some new varieties (thanks again, Annie) and enjoyed talking "violets."
Here is a not-so-funny story. The club purchased some plants from the Violet Barn to sell at our show. While I rarely purchase/acquire plants (99% of the time I only add leaves to my collection for safety's sake,) that wasn't an option this time around, so I had to knuckle down and fork over the cash for plants that I would pare down. For me, a lot of work goes into acquiring plants, since I break them down, repot, treat with Marathon, AVID, and whatever else I can find, but there were several little Rob's varieties on the sales table that I just couldn't resist, some of which I had lost in the latest move! I splurged and bought a half dozen baby plants and then accidentally LEFT THEM AT THE SHOW VENUE, tucked in a bag, on a shelf, behind a counter in a vacant storefront. No one would ever find them, and they would certainly die a slow and dry death. The mall where we held the show is an hour and half drive from my house!! What's a girl to do?!? I got on the horn to all the folks I thought might help, but it just wasn't going to work out. What was a girl to do?! After much deliberating and boo-hoo'ing over the state of events, I finally just grabbed the hubby and told him we were going out on a Sunday afternoon road trip to rescue the poor little souls. The storm was coming in, but we thought we could miss it if we got a quick start. Traffic on the Chicago tollway is horrendous, even on a Sunday, but we had to try! When we arrived, we made our way to the manager's office only to discover it was closed!! Just when we thought all hope was lost, a security officer walked by and took charge of our problem. He led us through he dark bowels of the mall until we found ourselves out in the light again a few steps from the vacant storefront. I slipped inside and with great relief I scooped up my bag of little plants. It cost me a lot of money to purchase and retrieve those little guys, but now they're all safely tucked in their new homes and will hopefully repay the favor someday. :-) It's all for the love of violets!